sabato 31 dicembre 2016

Welcome, new year!

Hi friends,
we are goin to leave 2016.
It's been a good year for the band, we've played some good shows and we've put out the 7split with Teenage Gluesniffers, and we're proud of it.
Since our last show in september we've started working on new stuff, written new songs and we're not stoppin until we have the best stuff you could get.
In late january we will get back on stage, we will play some shows and visit new places, meet new friends and eat new roads.
Keep in touch, have the funniest party tonight and try to start the new year the best way.
Stay punk stay free, as we do
Since 1993

The Chromosomes

giovedì 15 dicembre 2016

What will 2017 bring to the Chromosomes?

Who knows?
New shows? yes on february 2017 we will get on stage and we will play some...
New songs? yes and they will appear on a...
New record? yes and it will be out not before summer

We are goin to announce everything soon, we are still alive and kickin and you already know!

Well that's fine to know that an amazing blog called Titsforpunk put us on its bestnine chart of the 2016!
Thanks girls, nice job, nice tits!

Yu uh

The Chromosomes

giovedì 1 dicembre 2016

Copyrights troubles

Hi friends, due to some copyrights misunderstandings, we had to remove some videos from our Youtube Channel
Don't worry, these misunderstandings will be solved soon and you'll keep on spending your lifetime listening to our songs.
Well, before local police will arrest us for crimes against Santa Claus check the video below!
It's a crappy pearl from the past, it's live and full of horrible noises!

The Chromosomes