venerdì 29 dicembre 2017

Happy new year friends!

Well it's time to wish you a fuckin punkrockin happy new year, freinds!

New shows will be added soon, we're goin to play a lot in 2018, just to meet all of you around.

Your band, The Chromosomes

sabato 2 dicembre 2017

Losing eleven on Striped music

Hello friends we're proud to tell you our collaboration with Striped Music goes on and our new cd LOSING ELEVEN will be available soon! Now you can purchase it in a cool digipack version!

Check Striped Music for more info and for the coolest punkrock online store of the world!

The Chromosomes

mercoledì 11 ottobre 2017

New cd out! At last!

Here we are friends, Losing Eleven is out, 11 songs, punk rock and nothing else. You can stream it here and you can purchase it payin' a low price!
You could have the chance to watch us live on friday 13th here or on saturday 14th here

Very special thanks to Ale Sportelli for his great job recordin and mixin, Ronnie Orroz for the amazing artwork and Francesco Bracci for the layout.

We want to thank Gabba Gabba De and I buy Records for their support.

check it out!!!

The Chromosomes

martedì 25 luglio 2017

Punk rock raduno memories!

Well, it's not easy to speak about the last Punk Rock Raduno. It was a great experience, we had the chance to play with lots of amazing bands and meet an ocean of friends! We met new friends too of course!!!

First night (friday) we went there just to enjoy the scene and music, drink beers and talk. We enjoyed the Dr Frank show, it was great to see him live after 20 years!
Sat night was our night, we played 35 min. and we put all our passion to make the crowd happy and it was great to see them dance and sing!

That's why we want to thank Franz, Andrea, Diego and Bruno for their enormous job to make it happen, and it happened soooo good!

Here below two clips from the late afternoon, enjoy!

Thanks to Max Ramone and Maite Urquiza!

The Chromosomes

giovedì 1 giugno 2017

Yep! Lyric surfin' video of a new song for the Punk rock Raduno 2017

Here you are a new funny sunny surfin lyric video of a song out for the Punkrockraduno 2017

Thanks to Camillo MILLO Monci for the passion and the amazing job done!

 Your band,
The Chromosomes

lunedì 15 maggio 2017

Punk Rock Raduno poster and more!

Ciao Friends

this is another amazing poster from the PunkRock Raduno mega-event!

Anyway we are goin to play some shows before july and don't miss the chance to have fun with us.
Come to see us play in Genova on may 23th
(if you don't have any facebook account check the live-show box on the right column for more info!)

Your band, The Chromosomes

giovedì 16 marzo 2017

Punk Rock Raduno 2017, Here we are!

Great news today!
This sunny spring brings us the chance to play at Punk Rock Raduno 2017 and we're proud of it!
Along with some of the coolest punk rock bands around, from all over the world.

Can't wait to get on stage and give you the best we can.

See you there guys, and more good news are about to be announced!

The Chromosomes

martedì 28 febbraio 2017

Vedi Napoli e poi godi.

Ciao gente,
sarebbe da scrivere un poema sulla trasferta a Napoli ma ci limitiamo a raccontare le fasi salienti:
-il concerto, da paura, tanto di quel sudore versato che come minimo siamo tornati a Livorno leggeri leggeri che se si alza il Libeccio ci tocca andare in giro coi sassi in tasca per non volà via.
-il posto, un sotterraneo nel centro storico di Napoli che tracimava di gente.
-la gente di Napoli, che gli vuoi dire... il top!
-la passeggiata notturna (e poi anche quella mattiniera con lauto pranzo partenopeo doc) ai Qaurtieri Spagnoli, quella cosa da appuntare tra i ricordi più belli e anche curiosi della vita passata suonando in giro.
-il ritorno, con la stanchezza ma anche la consapevolezza di aver suonato bene, aver conosciuto tanta gente in gamba e vogliosa di farti sentire a tuo agio, come si fosse fratelli o amici da sempre.

Oggi abbiamo voluto tributare all'esperienza partenopea un vero proprio post sul blog, da domani torniamo a provare i pezzi nuovi.

Prossima fermata, Pratola Peligna (AQ) il 3 giugno, e sarà di nuovo bolgia.

The Chromosomes

martedì 21 febbraio 2017

Weekend in Napoli!

Ciao ragazzacci/e
Sabato sera suoniamo a Napoli dopo diversi anni di assenza.
Qui l'evento di Facebook.
Se non siete "soci" di Zuckenberg ecco due dritte qui sulla nostra pagina di Reverbnation, oppure scorrete la pagina e in basso a destra trovate il widget dei concertini.

Vi aspettiamo per saltellare, sculettare e sudare!

The Chromosomes

venerdì 10 febbraio 2017

Matteo's graduation day!

Hi dudes, we're proud to announce that Matteo's got his graduation!

Congratulations speedy drummer, you are a doctor!

We will drink a toast to you!

The Chromosomes

lunedì 9 gennaio 2017

New shows!

Well, it's time to announce a new show scheduled for next days! january, 20th!
We will play in Prato at Exenzia club
Check the Chromo shows box on the right of the page to get more info or go to the Facebook Event

Will we meet you there?

The Chromosomes